2011 ISPRM Scholarships - Principles and Practice in Clinical Research Course / Harvard School of Medicine
Dear ISPRM National Society Representative,
ISPRM is glad to present to you the Principles and Practice in Clinical Research Course, that is a collaborative and distance learning program in clinical research offered by the Department of Continuing Medical Education of the Harvard School of Medicine, relevant both for those wishing to gain an overall understanding of clinical trials before moving into the field and for those who have general or specialist experience in this area and aim to broaden their role in the design, management, analysis, and reporting of clinical research.
In order to further develop clinical research in our field, ISPRM will offer a Scholarship for the participation to the 2011 edition of this course to a researcher from each National Society in good standing with ISPRM.
In order to select the best candidate for each country we invite your National Society to advertise, in the way you prefer, the Scholarship. Attached you’ll find all the criteria to apply.
The course will start on March 17th, and on the 24th of February there will be the Tutorial Lecture. Therefore all the application should be sent within the 10th of February.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Marta Imamura MD PhD
Francesca Gimigliano MD PhD
For more detailed information about the course, please visit the website: www.clinicalresearchlearning.org
- Type: Research